111 East Ten Mile Madison Heights, MI 48071
Phone: (248)546-5868 Fax: (248) 546-4320
...Serving the world with our Advanced Metrology Services
Physical Model
Any Part, Tool, Mold, Sample
Any Size, Small or Large
Any Location, Yours or Ours
Point Cloud
Data Accumulated using contact or non-contact means
Data density up to 250,000 points per square inch
Fast turnaround
Suitable for CNC machining or Rapid Prototyping
Cross-Sectional View
Sections "cut" through POINT CLOUD or Scanned Directly
Suitable for upstream CAD applications
Comparisons to CAD nominal section available
Surface 3D Model
Fully trimmed Surfaces
IGES or native CAD formats
Suitable for part duplication
Data Analysis
Compare actual scanned data to 3D surface models
Analyze process variations
Determine part acceptability